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Princen Panier specifically address the issue of
Princen, 2012, Panier, 2013 specifically address the issue of ACE using the commercial database AMADEUS. However, both studies focus only on corporate leverage and the ACE in Belgium. Due to the lack of a counterfactual, these authors consider firms in other European countries, e.g., France, as a co
br Animals Female Sprague Dawley SD rats
Animals Female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, aged 3 months with body weight between 180-210 g were housed in cages and acclimatized to standardized lab conditions (temperature 23 ± 2°C, humidity 50 ± 5% and 12 h light-dark cycles). The rats were fed with standard rodent food pellet (Harlan Diet, Ross
INT-777 br Technical Note Fungal spoilage of dairy products
Technical Note Fungal spoilage of dairy products remains a major concern for dairy manufacturers despite the use of preventive and control approaches, including the use of chemical preservatives. Among methods that are increasingly used by industries for microbial contaminant control, biopreserva
As patients with type diabetes are known
As patients with type 2 diabetes are known to be hyperinsulinemic per se, this relationship between insulin/IGF1 receptor and AR may point towards a causal role of insulin in AR upregulation. Indeed, this is supported by several previous observations. Beyond the already mentioned AR activation by in
Pathogen infected macrophages release exosomes associating
Pathogen-infected Benzydamine HCl receptor release exosomes associating with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as LPS and lipoprotein derived from microorganisms [29,30]. Exosomes released by bacterially infected, but not uninfected, macrophages stimulate macrophages to release in
These findings suggest that eventually
These findings suggest that eventually more than one 12/15-lipoxygenase isoform may play a role in human atherosclerosis. Humans have two 12-lipoxygenases and two 15-lipoxygenases which show different expression patterns, substrate specificities and stereo-selective metabolism [1]. However, in pitav
Renal fibrosis is regarded as the final common pathway for
Renal fibrosis is regarded as the final common pathway for most forms of progressive renal disease, and mouse UUO is a widely accepted experimental model of renal injury leading to extreme fibrosis localized to the interstitial compartment. A-306989 attenuated the mRNA expression levels of several k
The current findings proved that
The current findings proved that citral treatment induced mitochondrial-mediated apoptotic cell death in both HCT116 and HT29 through the p53 and ROS. As such, citral promoted apoptosis as evident by the externalization of PS and dissipation of Δψm at 24h of treatment in HCT116 and HT29 cells. Thes
br Discussion Herein we demonstrate that mice deficient in L
Discussion Herein, we demonstrate that mice deficient in L-12/15 LO are more sensitive to 3-NP-induced toxicity although a substantial individual variability in striatal lesion size in response to 3-NP in both genotypes was observed. This variability is not atypical; several studies demonstrate s
br Acknowledgments We thank the anonymous reviewers
Acknowledgments We thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on the manuscript, and also thank Dr. Hans-U. Dahms for his comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation (2009-0071218) funded to Young-Mi Lee. This work was al
Taken together BRP represents a novel
Taken together, BRP-187 represents a novel chemotype of LT biosynthesis inhibitors with outstanding potency in human PMNL and monocytes activated under pathophysiological relevant conditions and with effectiveness in vivo. Using the PLA that visualizes the in situ interaction between 5-LO and FLAP i
Our results suggest that plasma membrane and a containing
Our results suggest that plasma membrane and a3-containing V-ATPases represent an important and novel target in the development of drugs to limit breast cancer metastasis. That knock-down of a3 has been shown to reduce metastasis of melanoma cells in an in vivo mouse model suggests that this role ma
We demonstrated clearly that the overexpression of sFlt
We demonstrated clearly that the overexpression of sFlt-1 significantly increased arginase LJI308 and enhanced arginase activity in HUVECs (Fig. 3). NO formation is related inversely to serum levels of sFlt-1 in preeclampsia [11]. The disorder of NO formation, which was involved in hypertension and
The previous reports studied only the apoptosis process
The previous reports studied only the apoptosis process in a single cell. In our case we generalized these models inspired by the results of Albeck et al. (2008) and Raychaudhuri et al. (2008), to study the apoptosis cell death after photodynamic therapy in those areas of the tumor that are not expo
The alamarBlue test revealed that
The alamarBlue test revealed that recombinant apelin led to an increase in basal and IGF1- and FHS-induced ovarian cell proliferation. Apelin increased ERK1/2 and Akt protein expression, but cell proliferation returned to control levels in the presence of kinase inhibitors. This suggests that the pr
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