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Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas
Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas identidades como lectores pueda tener, qué decir de un Rimbaud pictórico —la fórmula es de Cassou (1961b: 9)— que se nos ofrece rapsódicamente, descoyuntado, sin ensamblar. Un modelo para armar cuyo formato remite LBH589 otro de los instrumentos
In recent years there has been growing interest regarding
In recent years, there has been growing interest regarding the role of spliceosome machinery in neoplastic diseases following evidence of the involvement of splicing factor mutations in diverse cancers . (Serine-Arginine Splicing Factor 2) is a member of the serine/arginine (S/A) rich family pre-mR
Patients were divided randomly into
Patients were divided randomly into two groups at the time of hCG administration. Patients in Group 1 (n = 38; 33.6%) underwent IUI 24 hours after hCG administration. Group 2 (n = 75; 66.4%) underwent IUI 36 hours after hCG administration. All patients were instructed to have intercourse when the do
The type of ventricular arrhythmia
The type of ventricular arrhythmia (monomorphic VT or polymorphic VT/VF) responsible for the electrical storm provides an important diagnostic clue to its pathophysiology (Fig. 1). In this review, we address the diagnosis and specific treatments according to the type of ventricular arrhythmia and th
En el encuentro con la prima Isabel los
En el encuentro con la prima, Isabel, los dos rivales conocen también mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists Clemencia, cuya presencia inicia una conversación entre los dos hombres. Es una escena esencial a la hora de examinar la relación de rivalidad entre ellos dos. Primero, discuten quién va a es
Numbers studies also showed that
Numbers studies also showed that the MSCs have the capacity to differentiate into multiple mesenchymal tissues both in vitro and in vivo, including osteoblast [25,34], condrocyte [35,36], adipocyte [37,38], tendon [39,40], skeletal muscle cells [39], cardiomyocyte [41,42] and hematopoietic supportin
br Discussion In this case report we
Discussion In this case report, we demonstrated the consistent fusion of P-waves during CS os pacing, except for the last captured beat, which was entrained but not fused, thereby satisfying the entrainment criteria [2,3]. The tachycardia could be induced with reproducible results by a single atr
Complete surgical resection of the tumor at
Complete surgical resection of the tumor at the time of diagnosis is essential towards effective management of PPB. Unfortunately, a large cohort of patients present with an advance stage of disease where the tumor has grown to such an extent to invade surrounding vital structures, hindering the com
The osteoid and woven bone can be seen
The osteoid and woven bone can be seen as interconnected trabeculae (thin or broad) or sheets. The bone surrounding the lesion (host bone) is strong and is made of varying mixtures of woven and lamellar bone [36]. The radiologic appearance of cortical osteoid osteoma arising in the shaft of a long b
br Conclusions Wavelet algorithm is an effective
Conclusions Wavelet algorithm is an effective tool for the discrimination of tachycardia. However, it is affected by myopotential interference, which can lead to inappropriate detections. Thus, we should keep this drawback in mind when results reveal a Can-RV coil EGM amplitude of less than 5mV.
hsp90 inhibitor br I Campo de maniobras
I. Campo de maniobras II. Las letras III. La historia IV. Las humanidades VI. La Revolución mexicana VI. Últimos refuerzos VII. Conclusión Atrás han quedado la suplantación de la obra creativa, y de la crítica, por la insaciable teoría; las insostenibles muertes de la novela, de
br This year marks years
This year marks 20 years since 189 countries signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and committed to prioritisation of women\'s empowerment and gender equality. Yet a recently released UN analysis shows that violence against women persists at “alarmingly high levels”. Worldwide, on
La expansi n exportadora de Argentina
La expansión exportadora de Argentina hacia Colombia, Perú y Venezuela respondió sigma receptor distintas razones, pero los mercados obviamente tuvieron mucho que ver. No fue casual que Colombia, por ejemplo, concentrara más de 65% de sus importaciones de Argentina en bienes primarios, pues la agric
La relaci n entre el narcotr fico y los
La relación entre el narcotráfico y los grupos guerrilleros y los paramilitares se ha dado: “[…] no sólo como fuente de financiación sino como actor con intereses propios, ya que han aumentado significativamente las ‘familias’ que se dedican al tráfico de drogas, que a su vez están aumentando sus fo
Obesity is not the only
Obesity is not the only concern documented for BPA. Epidemiological studies have identified neurocognitive effects of BPA and newly incident coronary artery disease, and laboratory studies strongly suggest BPA is an ovarian toxicant. The rapidly rising evidence of adverse effects has prompted manufa
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